
As the saying goes, “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” That said, no one likes to be confronted with a surprise bill from Uncle Sam, so today we uncover some specifics of the stealth tax, or the alternative minimum tax (AMT). The AMT can...
Topics: Financial Planning

Each year as we take the time to reflect on the days that have passed, and we assemble a collection of our most popular posts from our bi-weekly newsletter, TheLiveBigWay® Digest. This year, in addition to looking at our most viewed posts, we also considered...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Inflation – Still Not Spooked (Seriously) It’s the story that won’t go away, so we’re not going to stop commenting on it. That’s right – inflation is dominating the headlines again. And we’re still not worried about it. Today we dig into the underlying causes...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Benjamin Graham, widely known as the "father of value investing," once wrote, “The investor’s chief problem – and even his worst enemy – is likely to be himself.” All humans carry with them biases shaped by their backgrounds and experiences, which influence every decision they...
Topics: Financial Planning

Clients sometimes ask us why we don’t recommend carrying municipal bonds in their portfolios, often in response to learning about the tax advantages of owning them or perhaps after hearing about relatively higher yields in the municipal bond market. Before sharing our rationale, let’s first...
Topics: Economy and Investing

Inflation (yep, again) - An Investigation of Three Charts We’ve been through three major recessions (and, thankfully, three subsequent recoveries) in the past twenty years. This one feels different. Is it? And what does that mean in regards to what we should do? Read on...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

'Inflation is Coming! Inflation is Coming!' How Yeske Buie Has Positioned Clients' Portfolios to be Protected As we said a month ago, everyone’s talking about it, and that’s certainly still true today: inflation is seemingly on everyone’s mind. Read on to learn more about how...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

We thought this piece – “Wild Market Ride Lifts Everything from Lumber to Stocks to Bitcoin” - that ran in The Wall Street Journal did a nice job summarizing some of the perspectives investors have about current market conditions. We’ve highlighted some of the article’s...
Topics: Economy and Investing