TheLiveBigWay® Digest: Debts and Dates

Student (Loan) Saga – Status

It’s back-to-school season and while we’re wishing current students a smooth start to the new school year, we’re also thinking about student loan borrowers who, after a three year payment pause, will be expected to resume their loan payments starting October 1. Additionally, there are new updates from the Biden administration to income-driven repayment plans and eligibility for forgiveness. Read on for current updates…
Save the Dates to Spend Time with Us!
Spending time and making memories with our Clients and the Yeske Buie community is at the heart of what matters to us, and we’re excited to share four save the date announcements for in-person and virtual events through the end of the year. We’ll share more details about each of these events in upcoming editions of the Digest, and for now, we’d be honored if you would save these dates in your calendar!
In-Person Event

In-Person Event

Live Webinar

Holiday Party

Meet the Team: Aubrey Klearman

Aubrey Klearman has joined our team as an Associate Financial Planner in our San Francisco office, and we’re very excited to have her engaged, radiant, and curious presence on our team. Aubrey recently graduated from The University of Colorado at Boulder and is looking forward to connecting with our Clients and working to make a positive difference in their lives. Learn more about Aubrey’s professional and personal life journey and how she hopes to serve our Clients in her role with the team here. Welcome, Aubrey!
Happy Birthday, Will!
We’re wishing new team member, Will Tracy, a very happy birthday this month! Will is a Client Support Specialist in our Vienna, VA office and although he’s only been at the firm for a few months, he’s already made a big impact through his dedication to getting work done for Clients, his engagement and attention to detail, and his friendly – and funny! – personality. We’ll introduce you to Will more fully in an upcoming edition of Meet the Team, but for now, we hope you enjoy these special tidbits and join us in wishing him a wonderful day!
Word of the Week: Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

Those who have student loans – or any type of loans – are likely familiar with the term annual percentage rate (or APR). The annual percentage rate represents the cost you pay per year to borrow money including interest rates and additional fees. Knowing the APR for your credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, and student loans can give you a good idea of how much you’ll pay to take out a loan and empower you to make grounded financial decisions.