Soundbite: Value Beyond Numbers

Soundbite: Value Beyond Numbers


We’ve said it before (like in the posts below), but we think it can’t be said enough: financial planning is so much more than numbers. Financial planning done right is about building deep relationships with our Clients, constantly learning who and what matters most, and tailoring our work together to align with those values.

Financial Planning at Yeske Buie

Yeske Buie Chief Investment Officer, Yusuf Abugideiri, spoke about this philosophy on a podcast episode of Financial Advisor’s Workshop. A few quotes from the soundbite and the full two-minute video are below. We hope you find these beliefs to be resonant of your experience and journey with Yeske Buie.

“We have the unique honor and privilege to occupy the space that we get to occupy in our Clients’ lives.”
“We have the unique capacity to do good in a way that many others don’t. It’s a sacred space that I’m grateful for.”