Author: Yeske Buie

August Tips and To-Dos While August and the summer months have seemingly flown by, there’s still plenty of time left to take advantage of slower summer days and knock off a few of your financial to-dos. Here are a few timely topics you might want...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

In 2021, Yeske Buie welcomed new faces and new energy to our growing team, and we’re using this space to make virtual introductions to help you learn more about how these team members are working to serve YOU. In this space, we introduce you to...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

Post-Pandemic Personal Finance Trends If you’ve seen your spending and saving habits change during the pandemic, you’re not alone. As we enter what we hope will be a post-pandemic era, researchers have been curious to learn more about our individual and collective pandemic experiences, and...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Risky Business: When Bonds Act Like Stocks While municipal bonds offer tax-breaks (and sometimes relatively higher yields) that can make them seem like attractive investments, their behavior can be more akin to that of stocks. Read on to learn more about why we steer clear...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Inflation (yep, again) - An Investigation of Three Charts We’ve been through three major recessions (and, thankfully, three subsequent recoveries) in the past twenty years. This one feels different. Is it? And what does that mean in regards to what we should do? Read on...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Of the many aspects of our financial lives that can keep us up at night, debt is usually high on the list. According to a 2021 CNBC report1, the average American has $90,460 in debt. Making progress on paying off your debts is similar to...
Topics: Financial Planning

Timeless Lessons Our strategic partners at Dimensional are celebrating their 40 anniversary as a firm, and Founder, David Booth, used the milestone as an opportunity to reflect on the lessons he’s learned from his decades in finance. We find that Booth’s reflections and beliefs align...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest