Author: Lauren Mireles

At Yeske Buie, we approach financial planning in a big-picture, holistic way. No matter what stage of life you find yourself – just starting out, entering mid-life, nearing or enjoying retirement – we feel that it is important to have a plan in place that…

Topics: Financial Planning

Visualize the following morning sequence. While enjoying your first cup of coffee, you catch up on yesterday’s news and events by logging into your Facebook and Twitter accounts, various news sites, and your email accounts. Once the coffee kicks in, you realize that several bills…

Topics: Cybersecurity, Financial Planning, Yeske Buie Millennial

Each year, Americans spend hours filling out more than 70 million brackets for the NCAA March Madness tournament. Many will carefully review the stats for each of the NCAA teams in the hopes of predicting the perfect brackets, while others will choose teams using unorthodox…

Topics: Financial Planning, Yeske Buie Millennial

Those new to the phrase "Live Big" may interpret it as meaning "spend big", "live large", or a recommendation to some other form of overindulgence. However those familiar with Yeske Buie know that to us, it's about the size of your life, not the size...
Topics: Fun Stuff, Yeske Buie Millennial

At the beginning of a new year, it is not uncommon for companies to participate in visioning exercises to set goals for the next twelve months and to generate hope and excitement to tackle the year ahead. In fact, this practice corresponds well with the…

Topics: YeBu® News & Events