TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Discovery Insights Financial planning is often thought to only include investments and asset management. And those pieces matter! But none of it matters if it’s not personal, relatable, and aligned with who you are and what matters to you. Learn more about our discovery process...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Changing Jobs in a Changing Market The coronavirus pandemic has rocked the job market, requiring companies to adapt to remote work environments, setting unprecedented unemployment records, and spiking job growth in unexpected industries. As a result, many are experiencing a job change, which can be...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Charitable Giving Redefined For many, the shared challenges we’ve faced during the coronavirus pandemic has brought charitable giving to the forefront of their minds. Each year, we work with Clients to make charitable gifts through several traditional methods, but the pandemic has revealed more creative ways to...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Navigating Uncertainty Ambiguity about the future seems to be at an all-time high. News about the pandemic, politics, and stock market volatility fill our nightly headlines. At Yeske Buie, we have a heightened awareness to this state of flux as ambiguity and how Clients respond...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

You Thought You Were Done? Maintaining Your Estate Plan How often do you think about your estate plan? Most people think that once the process of creating an estate plan is done, the plan can simply sit. Guardians are assigned, beneficiaries designated, power of attorney...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest