Author: Ryan Kelly, CFP

Give Big Spotlight: Junior Achievement Finance Park  One key element of Yeske Buie’s Give Big philosophy is the importance of financial literacy. Yeske Buie has curated a financial literacy program which helps our Clients educate their children and grandchildren about money because we believe that...
Topics: Give Big, YeBu® News & Events

As financial planners, managing client accounts and investments is a major component of the work that we do. We take on a number of responsibilities in this sphere, one of which is the process of rebalancing. The rebalancing process is the quintessential application of the...
Topics: Economy and Investing

Financial planning derives its greatest value from a deep relationship between a planner and the Client. We’ve written about the importance of our discovery process before and the behavioral science research behind it. As a product of our discovery process, we assemble the Live Big®...
Topics: Financial Planning

The vast majority of resources on Social Security focus on the thousands of rules and the myriad of strategies to maximize your Social Security benefits. There simply don't seem to be enough resources, though, that explain how Social Security actually works when you’re ready to...
Topics: Financial Planning

The NCAA Men’s and Women's Basketball Tournament – the pinnacle of the sport – is upon us. This three-week long tournament attracts attention far beyond the alumni of the respective schools. For reference, the 2022 men's championship game between Kansas and UNC captured the attention...
Topics: Financial Planning, Yeske Buie Millennial

Ask your child what they’re afraid of, and they may say the dark, a monster under the bed, or their school principal. Turn to your friends, however, and you may find that financial concerns – not “things that go bump in the night” – start...
Topics: Financial Planning