Financial Planning

Financial planning is a valuable process for anyone, and becomes even more critical for those supporting loved ones with disabilities. This kind of planning requires accounting for the resources needed to support the loved one in childhood and potentially into adulthood, and becomes even more...
Topics: Financial Planning

Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) are, as the name indicates, minimum annual distributions that must be withdrawn from an IRA beginning with the tax year in which the account holder turns 73. The IRS requires these annual distributions to help ensure that account holders don’t simply...
Topics: Financial Planning

Open enrollment for 2024 health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace opened on November 1, 2023 and continues through January 16, 2024. Before you start your application, take time to review this quick guide from the website to help you learn more about...
Topics: Financial Planning

“Man’s best friend.” Whether that phrase refers to your dog, cat, or fish, pets have been an important part of our families for centuries. Like other members of our family, we want to provide them the best care and protection when the unexpected occurs. Pet...
Topics: Financial Planning

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the CFP® marks, we asked our CFP® Professionals (senior and aspiring!) to share insights into their career journeys. While you’ll see some differences as they dive into their challenges, their joys, their deep sense of responsibility, and their...
Topics: Financial Planning

Many believe that developing a successful financial plan is all about the numbers. And it’s true that the numbers are important. But we believe that what’s more important is learning about the heart and soul of our Clients and incorporating that into their plan. Financial...
Topics: Financial Planning

From viral dance challenges to clever life hacks, social media has such a strong influence in our lives that younger generations are relying heavily on social media trends not just for entertainment and relationships, but also for financial advice from "finfluencers". According to a survey...
Topics: Financial Planning

While your 65th birthday no longer signifies reaching the “Full Retirement Age” milestone (marking your eligibility to receive your full Social Security retirement benefit), turning 65 still has a unique perk – gaining eligibility for Medicare. Being eligible for the program, however, doesn’t mean that...
Topics: Financial Planning