
Supernatural Influences of Estate Planning With Halloween just around the corner, you may find yourself watching one of the many “reality” TV shows centered on hunting down supernatural influences. Whether or not you believe in the supernatural, one could argue that there is a tangible…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

At Yeske Buie, we believe learning fuels potential. Embodying this company value, the Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team took full advantage of the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the profession at the Financial Planning Association’s recent Annual Conference in Nashville,…

Topics: Financial Planning

As we’ve shared in this space before, Yeske Buie is a supporter of team attendance at impactful events and conferences because of our belief in the value of learning from other bright minds in the profession and the value of having opportunities to grow our…

Topics: Yeske Buie in the Media

Qualified Charitable Distributions – A Powerful Way to Give Each year, many of our Clients share their charitable intentions with us and we work to ensure they’re able to express those intentions in such a way that they and the charity receive the maximum benefit….

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

NOVEMBER 2023: We are elated to share that Baby Boy Stansell is here! It is our honor to introduce you to Owen Robert Stansell. After tricking his parents with some early labor signs, when Owen decided it was time to join the world, he did...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

Affordable, accessible, and well-located housing is central to quality of life for people of all ages, but especially as we near retirement age. As the single largest item in most household budgets, housing costs directly affect day-to-day financial security. In addition, the entire concept of…

Topics: Webinars and Videos

Is a Mortgage Refinance Smart for You?  Could you be making your mortgage payments more efficiently? Refinancing may offer you the opportunity to align your mortgage more closely with your broader financial goals. That said, refinancing is a complex decision, and many factors will affect…

Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

As has become an annual event, the Yeske Buie Financial Planning Team (Dave Yeske, Elissa Buie, Yusuf Abugideiri, Lauren Stansell, Camille Bouvet, Zach Bennedsen, Ryan Klemm, Dan Tripp, and Ryan Rasmussen) once again attended FPA’s Far West Roundup in Santa Cruz, California. At Far West…

Topics: YeBu® News & Events