Author: Yeske Buie

Saving for your next large purchase - a new car, a new appliance, a family vacation, a down payment for a home - gives you an exciting goal to look forward to, although it isn’t always easy. Just like pursuing any goal, there are trade-offs...
Topics: Financial Planning

Don’t Be Fooled by Debt Debt is a scary word. For many Americans it’s practically taboo. And for good reason: according to NerdWallet, the average debt in American households in 2020 was about $145,000. While there is reason to be cautious, debt can also be...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

The Magic of Financial Planning We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Financial planning is MAGIC! Financial planning, real financial planning, transforms lives. And a recent New York Times story by Ron Lieber beautifully articulates this belief. In his piece, Lieber shares his...
Topics: TheLiveBigWay® Digest

Hardly a week goes by where the term “net worth” doesn’t pop into a conversation, ad, or other media. Despite its prevalence, however, understanding how to calculate it and why, in some ways, it can be more important to one’s financial health than watching the...
Topics: Financial Planning

As members of the Millennial generation – loosely defined as those born between 1981 and 1996 – we are part of one of the country’s largest financial demographics. Millennials are forecast to compromise 75% of the global workforce by 2025(1), and one recent study shows...
Topics: Financial Planning, Yeske Buie Millennial