
Interested in learning more about the origin of our investment philosophy or the firm itself? Looking for some clarity on a financial planning topic, the markets, or your portfolio? Curious about the make up of our team, how we operate, or our company culture? Send...
Topics: Financial Planning, YeBu® News & Events

While good intentioned, it can be perceived as cliché and contrived to spotlight the stories of minorities during a specified month or period of time (like Black History Month, for example). Not because listening to the stories, triumphs, and struggles of marginalized people isn’t invaluable,...
Topics: YeBu® News & Events

Once again, the Olympic games are upon us! The 2022 winter games are being held in Beijing, China from February 4 through February 20 and will feature classic sports (like figure skating, speed skating, curling, skiing, and snowboarding) with seven new events in snowboarding, bobsled,...
Topics: Financial Planning

As the topic of inflation continues to dominate discussions in the financial and economic worlds, we thought we’d share our take on the most recent CPI reading, the Fed’s plans to raise interest rates in 2022 to combat rising inflation, and what it all means...
Topics: Economy and Investing

POSTED DECEMBER 2021: My how time flies! This December, Yusuf and Maegan celebrated both Noah's 4th birthday and Rian's 1st birthday. Noah started preschool in September and while he wasn't sure about this big milestone at first, he's loved making friends and learning new things....
Topics: YeBu® News & Events